University of Akron off campus housing by McKown Properties
Looking for University of Akron off campus housing? McKown Properties features 22 rental houses within walking distance to the University of Akron. Most of our 22 houses are located under one mile away from the University of Akron Union.
Single or Separate Leases
All of our 4 and 5-bedroom houses for rent near the University of Akron offer 12-month separate leases. That means even if you rent a house with 3 or 4 other friends, you are only responsible for your lease. No tracking down friends to get their share of the rent, no disputes over who owes what. Instead, bedrooms are priced by size. Utilities are also included in our 4 and 5-bedroom rentals as well. Many feature washers, dryers, and off-street parking.
Affordable University of Akron off campus housing
McKown Properties strives to provide affordable University of Akron off campus housing. Whether with a single lease or separate leases, we take the guesswork out of rentals and allow you instead to focus on school and activities.